Training Program SDG

انضم لورشة العمل التدريبية : “تطبيق المؤشرات العالمية على مؤسسات القطاع العام” أهداف البرنامج ربط الأداء المؤسسي مع المؤشرات العالمية. تعريف المشاركين بأهمية استخدام المؤشرات العالمية في عمليات صنع القرار الحكومي. توفير المهارات اللازمة لتحليل وتفسير مختلف أنواع المؤشرات العالمية. محتوى ورشة العمل الأطر العامة للمؤشرات العالمية ربط نظام ادارة الاداء المؤسسي مع المؤشرات العالمية…

Training Program

Executing Strategy Program This course is delivered in Arabic language أهداف البرنامج صقل المواهب في التالي: ادراك أهمية الاستراتيجية للمؤسسة القدرة على تحديد الاولويات الاستراتيجية باستخدام ادوات التحليل الاستراتيجي القدرة على تطوير الخطة الاستراتيجية وترجمتها الى أهداف ومؤشرات اداء ومبادرات فهم عملية ترتيب المبادرات وفقا للاولويات المؤسسية تطوير المهارات في مجال تطبيق الادارة الاستراتيجية (منهجية الأداء المتوازن)…

IT Solutions

ESM is a suite of web-based applications that facilitate robust strategy/BSC and performance management throughout an organization. ESM+Perform enables organizations to link performance reviews directly to the organizational strategy, while increasing collaboration, positioning personal performance in the right context for execution, and increasing the level of participation and engagement of employees. With over 19 years…

Specialized Training

Strategy Optimization is proud to offer its specialized service for online-training program in Strategy Execution. The training is endorsed by the international accreditation organization ILM which is part of City & Guilds group, which is one of the highest prestigious training organization worldwide. Participants would be awarded a professional certificate in Strategy Execution. The training…

Research & Development

We at Strategyopt, have the capabilities to do technical researches in many fields that contribute to the development of your business and your organizations, both government and private. The research service includes many subjects, among which are: economic, agricultural, health, educational, environmental, energy and oil researches. The outcome of the technical research should support and…

Market Researches

We are here to support you in finding and verifying the market for your product or service. Our expertise have the ability to enhance your position in the market and help you to stay ahead of your competitors. Our capabilities can support you to conduct all kinds of market’s, consumer’s and product’s researches. This includes…

Enterprise Risk Management

In today’s ever-changing world, no organization can afford to oversee the surrounding risks. Risks could come from the competitors’ power, customer’s changing preferences, from the unreliable vendors, from the unsupportive stakeholders, from the emerging technologies, from the uncertainty at the projects’ context, from the required operational changes, or simply from the changing market. We will…

Survey & Business Analysis

Surveys can produce a large volume of information for the gathering parties to peruse and collate, so developing good surveys is important for both the respondents who have to understand the questions and for the collators to get useful data. After you receive the data, you need to pull it all together. Look for trends…

Performance Management

Performance Management is focusing the organizational efforts on what matters the most (strategic goals). It is an assured measured way of leading your business to its desired goals. We would like to join your strategic journey to realize your vision, through a systematic, world-renowned system, that would shake the organization and engage its constituents to…