Sustainable Development Goals

SDG index measures the performance of the country in achieving a better and sustainable future by monitoring 17 Goals and 169 targets for 193 countries. The 17 goals are: no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, “industry, innovation, and infrastructure”, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life on land, life below water, “peace, justice and strong institutions”, partnership.

The SDGs Index calculation is based on the average performance of the indicators of the each 17 Goals. The Index is scoring the data of each indicator from worst (0) to best (100) and then ranking the countries accordingly. The final result of the index is extracted according to equal relative weights for each of the 17 goals.

Bahrain’s score remains contant at 63.7 and rank decreased from 100 in the year of 2022 to 111 in the year 2023.

SDGs Index Ranking

Less is Higher

SDGs Index Score

More is better