E-Government Indicator

The Index measures e-government effectiveness in the delivery of public services and identifies patterns in e-government development and performance as well as countries and areas where the potential of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and e-government has not yet been fully exploited and where capacity development support might be helpful. The index is issued by United Nation every two years and covered 193 countries.
Bahrain ranked 26th in the world out of 193 countries

Index Calculation Mechanism
The EGDI, is a composite index based on the weighted average of three normalized indices. One-third is derived from a Telecommunications Infrastructure Index (TII) one-third from a Human Capital Index (HCI) and one-third from the Online Service Index (OSI). The survey questionnaire assesses a number of features related to online service delivery, including whole-of-government approaches, open government data, e-participation, multi-channel service delivery, mobile services, usage uptake, digital divide as well as innovative partnerships through the use of ICTs.
Bahrain is ranked among countries with very high levels of e-government development

Rank (193 Countries)

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Score (1 - 100)

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Bahrain Performance

by Indicators

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